We have designed loans that cater to every needed circumstance but making sure that it will not create burdens to the members Home  âˆ™  About  âˆ™  Products  âˆ™  News and Events  âˆ™  Members Login LDSCC
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Calamity Loan Members can immediately avail of this loan as soon he or she becomes a member up to 15k payable up to 12 months with 0% interest. 1. A regular member affected by natural calamity may avail a zero-interest calamity assistance loan. The member must secure a Barangay certificate or a certification from the bishop (or branch president).

2. Payments shall be made through payroll deduction. Provided that all loan amortizations should not exceed 25% of the gross salary and that the net take home pay per pay period will not be less than P5,000.

3. The following charges are deducted immediately: a) Service fee: 2% of applied loan; and b) Filing Fee: P100.

4. Penalty of 0.5% per month shall be charged on the outstanding balance due to delayed payment or failure to pay.

5. This loan may be renewed, paid in full or deducted from ot

From at least 3 months of membership, members can avail this loan up to 15k payable up to 6 months with 0% interest. Petty Loan 1. A regular member may avail a petty loan without interest for: a) P5,000 after three months of continuous membership payable in two months; or b) P10,000 after six months of continuous membership payable in four months; or c) P15,000 after nine months of continuous membership payable in six months.

2. Payments shall be made through payroll deduction. Provided that all loan amortizations should not exceed 25% of the gross salary and that the net take home pay per pay period will not be less than P5,000.

3. The following charges are deducted immediately: a) Service fee: 2% of applied loan; and b) Filing Fee: P100.

4. Penalty of 0.5% per month shall be charged on the outstanding balance due to delayed payment or failure to pay.

5. This loan may be renewed, paid in full or deducted from other loans.

6. Procedures in applying for a loan: a. Submit this accomplished form to the Credit Committee. b. If approved, the Administrative staff shall process the loan and credit it to the member’s bank account. NOTE: Loan will be processed in three working days.